Boranel ir’Wynarn Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Boranel ir’Wynarn

King Boranel Wynarn

King Boranel ir'Wynarn is the monarch of the nation of Breland. Instrumental in negotiating the Treaty of Thronehold, he is one of the most popular rulers that Breland has ever known.


Family Ties

Boranel has outlived three wives and has eleven children, namely six sons and five daughters.[20] Boranel's first wife was Lady Chaseva ir'Maasat, a noble from Cyre, and their romance across enemy lines was popularized in the press. Chaseva bore him four children. However, their happiness came to an end when Queen Chaaseva was murdered by assassins of unknown origin. At least two of his children died in the Last War. His son Prince Boramil perished during the Battle of Marguul Pass, while his oldest daughter Princess Borann perished leading a Brelish army in Cyre on the Day of Mourning. Several members of the royal family have positions in royal administration. His younger brother Kor ir'Wynarn is his chief advisor and the commander of the King's Citadel, while Boranel's son Bortan is the royal steward in charge of the crown's finances. As part of the Treaty of Thronehold, Boranel's children Halix and Borina were sent to King Kaius III's court in Karrnath, while Kaius's sister Haydith ir'Wynarn resides at Boranel's court in Wroat.   Other members of Boranel's family have become adventurers of their own, including his daughter Syra ir'Wynarn, who adventures in Xen'drik. More embarrassingly for the king, his nephew Lujaad ir'Wynarn has become a notorious sky pirate.   While Boranel is a massively popular king, his children are not as popular, leading many to be concerned about the succession when the king dies. Some quietly advocate for an abolishment of the monarchy entirely and for Breland to become a full democracy on Boranel's death.
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