Central Plateau Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Central Plateau

The power and wealth of Sharn are concentrated in Central Plateau. Whether you’re looking to deal with powerful merchants, city councilors, dragonmarked barons, or the ambassadors of other nations, Central Plateau is the place where big deals are made.  

Things to Do in Central Plateau

Looking for work or amusement in this quarter? Some of the things you can do here include: Attend an auction. The Aurora Gallery in Platinum Heights is the finest auction house in Sharn and specializes in auctions of exotic magic items and relics from Xen’drik. You never know what’s going to be available—or who will be bidding against you.
  • Plan a heist. Perhaps your goals depend on recovering an item a villain has hidden in the vaults of Korranath. Can you penetrate the most secure facility in Sharn?
  • Go to jail. The King’s Citadel in Ambassador Towers is also Sharn’s high-security prison.
  • Worship. The primary temples of the Sovereign Host and the Silver Flame are located in Middle Central, along with a host of shrines to specific sovereigns and lesser faiths. Take part in a festival or drop in for some spiritual guidance!
  • Engage in espionage. Whether you work for your nation or get entangled in the schemes of the dragonmarked houses, Middle Central is home to a lot of powerful people who have a use for capable agents.


Upper Central

Gold and power flow down from Upper Central. The district of Highest Towers is the seat of government, where city hall and the municipal archives are located. The Korranath is the name of both the central financial district and the grand temple of Kol Korran that dominates it. This district also houses the Kundarak Bank of Sharn and the Vaults, House Kundarak’s ostensibly impenetrable storage facility. Some of Sharn’s wealthiest citizens live in the Mithral Tower district, and Platinum Heights is the most expensive market district in Sharn. It has fewer shops than the Bazaar of Dura, but if you’re looking for top-quality goods or services, there’s no finer—or more expensive—source to be found.   If you maintain no better than a poor lifestyle, many people in Upper Central will assume you’re a servant or vagrant; this could cause you to have disadvantage on Charisma checks involving residents.

Middle Central

This part of the city is a center for intrigue. The district of Ambassador Towers contains embassies and consulates from the Thronehold Nations, as well as Aerenal and Sarlona. Ambassador Towers is also home to the King’s Citadel, the headquarters of Brelish intelligence. Across the ward, the district of Dragon Towers holds the primary enclaves of the dragonmarked houses.   The Sovereign Towers district has the grandest temples in Sharn. The Pavilion of the Host is a complex of nine towers devoted to the Sovereign Host, and the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame is the seat of the religion. Although these temples are the locations of grand ceremonies and celebrations, many of the most devout priests serve in the city’s smaller shrines.

Lower Central

This district is peaceful and largely residential; it’s the safest and most pleasant of the lower wards. Goods and services are largely priced for those with a comfortable lifestyle, and the Sharn Watch is plentiful and well paid. The district of Boldrei’s Hearth has many reasonably priced inns (most run by House Ghallanda), and Olladra’s Kitchen has a wide assortment of taverns and restaurants. Myshan Gardens is a residential district that caters to affluent artists, while Vallia Towers has a large community of half-elves.
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