Coldflame Keep Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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Coldflame Keep

While it looks more like a fortress than a place of worship, Coldfl ame Keep is the local church devoted to the Silver Flame. Established during the Purge as a garrison of the church templars, Coldflame Keep has slowly dwindled as the hierophants have drawn resources away to the temples of Sovereign Towers and Pinnacle. Today, the keep is a shadow of its former self. Flamebearer Mazin Tana (male human) does his best to maintain the temple and serve the community. His acolytes consist of two teenagers and one crippled scribe. The garrison was built to house a hundred soldiers, but currently, there are only eight templars in residence. While these soldiers are supposed to protect the district from supernatural threats, Mazin believes that they have been chosen by the Archierophant to keep an eye on the aging priest—to make certain that Mazin does not try to interfere with the powers that control the Church in Sharn. While he is disillusioned with his superiors, Mazin still believes in the ideals of the Church and does his best to help those in need. If the party needs the aid of a true priest of the Silver Flame, Mazin is one of the few people who can help them
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization