Dalin d’Vadalis Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Dalin d’Vadalis

Baron Dalin Vadalis

Don't get sentimental. A beast is a tool. Our role is to find the right tool for the task and to make sure they're of the finest quality. Nature is our kingdom; never forget that we were born to rule it.   — Baron Dalin d'Vadalis
Baron Dalin d'Vadalis is the patriarch of House Vadalis. He is renowned for his skill in breeding animals and befriending people. Despite being the leader of House Vadalis, Dalin disdains the use of formal titles and prefers to avoid the trappings of nobility, much like the rest of his house. His aspirations are for House Vadalis to be a positive force in the world, and he has no ambitions for greater power or status. While goodhearted, friendly, and empathetic, Dalin is still a shrewd leader, who can handle individuals as well as he can handle animals.
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