Dar San Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Dar San

While there is little cultural contact between Riedra and Khorvaire, a considerable amount of trade flows across the Barren Sea. Most Riedrans distrust the people of Khorvaire, and over the years a number of Riedran merchants have purchased their own warehouses in Precarious, staffed with Riedran laborers and bookkeepers. Over the last century, a small Riedran community has taken root in Precarious; the inhabitants call in Dar San (“Far Port” in the Common tongue). Though they live in squalor, the Riedrans are a proud people, and the lowliest laborer considers himself to be the equal of a duke of Khorvaire.   Among themselves, the Riedrans observe a strict social hierarchy. When one of the Inspired comes to Dar San, he or she is treated like an emperor. While the Riedrans generally hold the people of Khorvaire in contempt, they have an irrational hatred of the Kalashtar and Adarans. The neighborhood has established its own militia—though some might call it a street gang—and any Kalashtar or Adaran who comes to the neighborhood gets just one chance to leave peacefully.
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