Diamond Theater Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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Diamond Theater

The Diamond Theater is something new in Lower Menthis—competition for the Ten Torches Theater in Torchfire. With its large stage, copious seating (it seats 1,000 comfortably), and renowned artist-in-residence, the Diamond manages to exude an air of sophistication in a ward all about base entertainment. Luca Syara, the Diamond’s resident playwright, is the hottest thing going in Sharn’s entertainment world at present. Many of her plays wrestle seriously with issues raised by the Last War, exploring themes of nationalism, shattered idealism, alienation and grief, and the search for meaning in a war-ravaged world. For many, such serious, modern plays hold no interest and draw nothing but derision, but even those who hate her still talk about her. Her contract with the Diamond expires in another year, and certain circles buzz constantly with speculation about what upper-ward theater will snatch her up at that point.
Theatre / Concert hall
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