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Eberron Cosmology

The planet of Eberron is the heart of its own Material Plane. It is surrounded by the Ring of Siberys. Beyond this band of dragonshards, twelve moons orbit the world. To date, no creature from Eberron has explored the moons, and none can say whether they are lifeless rocks or thriving worlds. Some sages believe that the moons are connected to the planes, or that they might even be physical extensions of the planes, but the truth of these assertions remains unknown.   No other planets have been discovered within Eberron’s Material Plane. The underworld of Khyber, however, contains a host of demiplanes, tiny pockets of altered reality. As such, venturing beneath the surface of Eberron can lead you to a network of caverns and passages, and if you find the right passage, it can take you to fantastic and deadly places inhabited by fiends, aberrations, and other children of Khyber.  

Planes of Eberron

The Material Plane is enfolded by thirteen planes of existence. Many of these have aspects of both Outer Planes and Inner Planes. All of them overlap with Eberron in some way, and they influence and are influenced by the Material Plane. The intensity of this influence waxes and wanes; scholars often depict the planes as orbiting Eberron — sometimes coming close, other times far away — though this manner of expression is merely a metaphor for their shifting influence. When another plane’s influence on the Material Plane is especially strong, the plane is said to be coterminous. When its influence is weak, a plane is remote. The state of a plane can be important for performing epic rituals, creating of eldritch machines, or interacting with extraplanar entities. Whether or not a plane is remote or coterminous at a given time depends entirely on the needs of your story.  

Manifest Zones

At certain places in the Material Plane, the barriers between worlds are thin, and some characteristics of another plane can bleed through into the material world. These places are called manifest zones, and the nature of each one is strongly shaped by the plane it connects to. The city of Sharn is located in a manifest zone linked to Syrania that keeps its towers reaching toward the sky and aids flight. Ghosts might linger in a manifest zone associated with Dolurrh, while a manifest zone tied to Lamannia might have wild vegetation and enhance druidic magic. A manifest zone might include a portal that allows free passage from either plane to the other. The descriptions of other planes in this section offer some other possible effects. Most manifest zones have reliable, persistent effects. Some have only weak connections to their planes, and their properties influence the world only when the plane is coterminous.

Articles under Eberron Cosmology