Elves of the Five Nations Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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Elves of the Five Nations

Throughout history, elves have occasionally migrated to live among the other peoples of Khorvaire. On rare occasions, entire families have relocated (as House Phiarlan did, almost three thousand years ago), but more often wanderers and exiles have come to Khorvaire and made their way there. Many of the finest wizards and most renowned artisans in the Five Nations are high elves. Wood elves are found among the rangers and druids of the Eldeen Reaches and stalking the darkest alleys of Sharn. As an elf born and raised in Khorvaire, your character has grown up among the shorter-lived races. You might not be as concerned with history and tradition as the Aereni and Tairnadal; you could even live your life entirely in the moment, with no care for your family or your legacy. Or you could be fascinated by the history and traditions of your ancestors and try to relearn the ways your family has forgotten.   Consider also whether you’ve outlived human friends and how that might affect you. Did you know the parents or grandparents of another member of your party? Are you trying to repay a debt or fulfill a promise to that long-dead friend, or are you trying to recapture some spark of the friendship you felt years ago? Do you remember a time before the Last War? Did you fight in the war?
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