Falaen Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Silence

Falaen was the deadliest assassin of the Age of Giants, known as “the Silence” both for her skills at stilling tongues and for her taciturn persona. Much about her is a mystery, as suits a figure who lived in the shadows. Falaen grew up among the drow and was trained to kill her own kind; most stories say the drow took her after they killed her family, but some maintain she was at least part drow herself. What's certain is that she turned against the drow and their giant masters, and that during the Silence’s war in the shadows, she brought down countless drow and struck deep inside enemy lines.   By all accounts, Falaen was ruthless but never cruel; she viewed her work as necessary but took no joy in killing, and her revenants usually share that perspective. She was endlessly patient, and similarly, her revenants sometimes wait weeks or months until seizing the perfect moment to bring down their prey. Unlike many Tairnadal, Falaen revenants usually avoid horses, as she had no love for the creatures.   Falaen revenants tend to be Assassin rogues or Gloom Stalker rangers, but some follow other paths. While a Tairnadal warband might have a single Falaen revenant who serves as a Scout rogue, there are also several “Silent Bands” comprised entirely of her revenants, specializing in long-term covert operations   Falaen specialized in two light blades, and either her weapons, her mask, or her legendary cloak of shadows would be prized artifacts for a revenant to recover