Four Sails Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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Four Sails

The Four Sails restaurant is the exception to the general rule of Downstairs that drink comes first, food second. Known as one of Sharn’s hidden dining treasures, regular patrons of Four Sails claim that it has the best seafood in Sharn. Located at the base of Seventh Tower, Four Sails is owned by a Lhazaarite named Ulfen Marcrot (male human), who certainly knows his seafood. Though he prefers not to discuss his past with the tourists and slumming upper-ward residents who come to Four Sails for the dining experience, Ulfen has a colorful history he does enjoy sharing with adventurers. Born and raised a pirate in the Lhazaar Principalities, he took up an adventuring career later in life and has even explored Argonnessen’s coast.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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