Halflings of the Five Nations Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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Halflings of the Five Nations

Quick and charming, many halflings put their natural talents to use as bards, barristers, merchants, and politicians throughout Khorvaire. Of course, these same talents prove equally useful for burglars, grifters, and other criminals.   Of particular note is the halfling-run criminal enterprise of the Boromar Clan, the most powerful crime syndicate in Breland. The Boromars are based in Sharn, but their influence reaches across the nation and even to the distant city of Stormreach. If you decide to play a halfling rogue, or a character with a criminal or charlatan background, consider (with your DM) whether you have a connection to the Boromar Clan. You could be a freelance operative who occasionally gets jobs from a Boromar underboss. You might have a cousin in the syndicate, who occasionally pulls you in to criminal affairs. Or you could even be the reluctant heir of a Boromar leader; perhaps you’ve gone on the run rather than take your appointed place in the criminal empire, but your past may yet catch up with you. You could also be the point of contact who has made the Boromar Clan your party’s group patron, as described later in this chapter.
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