Hareth’s Folly Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Hareth’s Folly

Today, common opinion believes that the architect Hareth ir’Talan was mad. He should never have been allowed to work on a project as important as the construction of a Sharn district, but gold and family connections gave him his chance. The result was the district now known as Hareth’s Folly. At first, Hareth sought to include buildings in the styles of all the contemporary cultures of the kingdom, so that visitors from all parts of Galifar would feel at home. As construction continued, he began to add new designs, based on his visions of the architecture of Syrania, Thelanis, and the other divine realms. As a result, all manner of different buildings can be found in Hareth’s Folly, including some of the strangest structures in Khorvaire. While most believe that Hareth was mad, a minority feel that he was driven by divine inspiration.   Hareth’s Folly focuses on entertainment. Inexpensive inns, pubs, restaurants, and taverns fill the district. While there is less criminal activity here than in Callestan or the Bazaar, a great deal of gambling occurs in the back rooms of Hareth’s Folly. In particular, the district serves as a center for aerial sports, including windchasing and skyblade matches. Hareth’s Folly is not represented in the Race of Eight Winds; instead, it provides a neutral position from which the race begins and ends.   The buildings of this district are a bizarre mishmash of architectural styles and materials. Narrow spires stand across from squat brick keeps and densewood halls. In addition to the bridges connecting the great towers of the district, a maze of suspended rope, wood, and stone roads connects the upper levels within the towers, creating the impression of a mad spider web. Music and song can be heard echoing from various towers, and people laugh and run through the streets.
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