House Tain Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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House Tain

The ir’Tains are the most powerful family in Sharn. An ir’Tain served as the first Lord Mayor of Sharn, and the first towers were raised with ir’Tain gold. Today the ir’Tains derive most of their income from their vast holdings throughout the city; many of the tenements and apartment complexes are ir’Tain property.   Despite their wealth and power, the ir’Tains have no connection to the Aurum. While the cabal has approached members of the family, the ir’Tains feel that an alliance with the Aurum would be an insult to the pride and integrity of the clan.   The head of the family is Celyria ir’Tain and the heir is her eldest son Hass ir'Tain. Her other children n descending iorder of age are Cyra ir’Tain (female half-elf), Cariana ir’Tain (female half-elf), and Daral ir’Tain (male half-elf). Lord Dalian ir’Tain II is said to have perished in a shipwreck during the end of the Last War. The ship supposedly went down deep in the territory of the sahuagin, but Lord ir’Tain’s body was never recovered. Rumors abound that ir’Tain is still alive—that he is a pirate captain, a prisoner of the sahuagin, or the prince of a lost kingdom in the jungles of Xen’drik, depending on which tale you believe.
Political, Family
Controlled Territories