House Tharashk Clifftop Office Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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House Tharashk Clifftop Office

The House of Finding has a great interest in Xen’drik and the mineral wealth that can be found there, as well as an interest in the other dark lands of Eberron—Q’barra, the Demon Wastes, Khyber, and the Mournland. The Tharashk enclave in Clifftop is primarily concerned with exploration and prospecting. The house sells the services of guides, and many of its members have first-hand experience in Xen’drik and Khyber.   In addition to the powers of their dragonmarks, these guides can provide invaluable information about the threats lurking in these regions. When the house plans expeditions to Xen’drik, these are usually arranged at the Clifftop enclave. Due to the rivalry with Tharashk and Deneith, the house often recruits adventurers to protect an expedition instead of hiring Deneith mercenaries.
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