Ilyra Boromar Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Ilyra Boromar

But Ilyra Boromar is the Boromar Clan’s personal representative on the Council, occupying the seat for Lower Dura. Her allegiance is obvious, but the other council members generally politely overlook it; the Boromars are one of the Sixty families of Sharn, and she does have the skills, credentials, and lineage to compete with any of the other councilors.   Of all of the members of the council, Ilyra is the most ruthless and dangerous. The Boromar Clan prefers to avoid violence, but councilors who oppose Ilyra have disappeared in the past. However, the recent war with Daask has shaken her grip on the council. The Boromar Clan is no longer seen as an infallible, omnipotent force—and so far the majority councilors have refused to devote city resources to battling the Droaamites setting up shop in Sharn. Most are quite pleased with the turn of events, and are waiting for the Boromars to be weakened further before they take any action.
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