Kundarak Bank of Sharn Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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Kundarak Bank of Sharn

The Kundarak bank, operated by House Kundarak, is the largest and most important bank in Sharn. Kundarak holds more loans than the other nine banks in the city combined, including many loans supporting key building projects, past and present. From its perch at the top of Kundarak Tower, the bank wields a great deal of behind-the-scenes influence over every part of politics in Sharn.   The Vaults: The lowest levels of the Kundarak Bank are known as the Vaults, and are almost a separate business entity from the bank proper. House Kundarak offers storage space for small- to medium-sized items of great value with the highest possible security, at a cost of 15 gp per month (which includes insurance against theft). These are for long-term storage, not for short-term, and thus can’t be collected magically from other sites.
Bank / Treasury
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