Menthis Plateau Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Menthis Plateau

The hub of Sharn’s entertainment industry and home to Breland’s largest university, Menthis Plateau is one of the most diverse quarters in Sharn. Whether you’re looking for classical theater, a fine bookstore, or an illegal fighting ring, Menthis has something to offer.  

Things to Do in Menthis Plateau

Any list of attractions that tries to summarize what Menthis Plateau has to offer, even without considering all the performance events, is doomed to be incomplete. Of the countless possibilities, some of the most popular reasons to come here are the following:
  • Consult a sage. Morgrave University might not be the finest institute of learning in Khorvaire, but it’s the best Sharn has to offer. Whether you want to conduct your own research in the library or find a specialist in goblin history, Morgrave likely has what you need.
  • Go into show business. Menthis has a wide range of performance venues, from the Grand Stage to the many taverns of Lower Menthis. In addition to enjoying the entertainment, you could try to find work—either showcasing your artistic talents on stage or displaying another sort of prowess in the Burning Ring.
  • Join an expedition. Scholars at Morgrave often sponsor expeditions to Xen’drik and into the ruins below Sharn. Cyran nobles in Smoky Towers sometimes hire brave souls to venture into the Mournland to reclaim lost treasures.
  • See other cultures. Den’iyas brings a touch of Zilargo to Sharn. You might find a clawfoot raptor running down the streets in Little Plains, or a Gatekeeper druid casting bones on Cassan Bridge.


Upper Menthis

Elegant and civilized, Upper Menthis is home to four of the finest theaters in Breland: the cutting-edge Art Temple, the colorful Khavish Theater, the traditional Grand Stage, and the open-air Stargazer Theater, as well as the Kavarrah Concert Hall.   The shops in Upper Menthis deal mainly in fine food, fashion, and exotic goods. For instance, in the Seventh Tower district, Window on Yesterday, Echoes of the Past, the Mekdall Gallery, and Cloud Antiquities all buy and sell interesting antiques and trinkets from distant lands.   The district of Den’iyas is a gnome neighborhood that provides a glimpse into the culture of Zilargo. Davandi Fine Tailoring is the source of some of the finest glamerweave clothing in Khorvaire, and the district also hosts a number of businesses that specialize in alchemy, illusion, or divination. Visitors should be aware that intrigue is the primary pastime in Den’iyas, and that hapless adventures can easily find themselves pulled into intricate schemes or feuds.   Upper Menthis also contains the University district, home to Breland’s finest institutions of learning. More information about this district can be found in chapter 1.  

Middle Menthis

Middle Menthis boasts the most diverse population of any ward in Sharn. The Little Plains district is the destination for halfling immigrants from the Talenta Plains. Cassan Bridge has a significant population of orcs and half-orcs from the Shadow Marches. Immigrants from the Lhazaar Principalities have settled in the Warden Towers district, which is primarily a garrison for the Sharn Watch. The district of Smoky Towers had a significant Cyran community even before the Last War; now, this area has become a haven for Cyrans wealthy enough to escape the refugee camps of High Walls.   One of the most prominent attractions In Smoky Towers is the Classic Theater. The place lives up to its name by staging only traditional works written before the start of the Last War. Although the Grand Stage in the University district also performs more recent works echoing the classical style, the Classic has a stated policy of not even considering new works.   The Everbright district might be of particular interest to adventurers. A wide assortment of magewrights ply their trade here, and the shops have a good selection of magic items (of common and uncommon rarity). The people of Middle Menthis are law-abiding folk; visitors looking for spellcasters to help with illegal activities or who want to sell stolen artifacts will likely have better luck in Lower Dura.  

Lower Menthis

Providing cheap entertainment for the masses, Lower Menthis is crowded. The Firelight district is filled with sketchy taverns and theaters ranging from the innocent to the risque, as well as gambling halls, brothels, and spontaneous performances in the streets.   Lower Menthis is also home to the Burning Ring, a fight club where spectators bet on amateur gladiators. Technically illegal, the Burning Ring moves around the ward. Competitors are armed but unarmored; matches continue until a contestant yields, but fatalities do happen.
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