Morgrave Univerity Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Morgrave Univerity

The heart of Sharn's  Morgrave University is a sharp dichotomy: On the one hand, it is known as a nexus for scholars wishing to study Xen’drik, thanks in large part to Sharn’s proximity to the secret continent. Its collections of artifacts and scholarly works about ancient Xen’drik and the Dhakaan Empire are unparalleled. In many ways, it lives up to the shining vision of its founder, Lord Lareth ir'Morgrave, to be “a beacon of knowledge shining from the tallest towers of the city.”   On the other hand, the university’s reputation is tainted by allegations of smuggling, treasure hunting, and profiteering. Many priceless relics recovered from Xen’drik or Dhakaani ruins have disappeared from the university vaults and found their way to the black market or into the hands of the Aurum. It’s an open secret that some scholars, professors, and even students at the university have ties to smugglers and thieves. All these allegations, too, have ties to the university’s founding: Lord Morgrave himself is said to have made his fortune selling Dhakaani artifacts on the black market, and some have claimed that the true purpose of the university was to help him build his fortune through such questionable means. Academics from rival schools often refer to Morgrave as an "institute of learning, relic hunting, and grave robbing."   However Mograve's profile has done nothing but rise. The Last War separated the five nations, and meant that students outside of Aundair could no longer study at Arcanix or the University of Wynarn. Nations were forced to build their own educational institutions, and in Breland's case, Morgrave University filled that void. While most academic institutions refuse to take them seriously, Morgrave continues to strive for a position of one of the most prestigious universities on the continent.
Educational, University
Controlled Territories
Notable Members