Morgrave University Library Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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Morgrave University Library

Centrally located on the University campus near the top of Dalannan Tower (just below the dome of Lareth Hall), the Morgrave University Library has the most extensive collection of books in all of Breland. It pales in comparison to the great library at Korranberg, but a significant number of Zilargo expatriates live in Den’iyas and work to make the Morgrave Library the best resource it can be.   History is clearly a specialty of the University. The Morgrave Library is one of the best resources on the history of Sharn or Xen'drick.   Those without formal ties to Morgrave University must pay a fee of 1 gp per day to conduct research at the Library. Students, alumni, and those working for Morgrave can use the Library for free.
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