Northedge Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Northedge residential area is the quietest quarter of Sharn. At first glance there’s little to attract adventurous sorts, unless someone is interested in purchasing top-quality real estate. At the same time, you never know when this charming and innocuous area could be the site of a nefarious cult or a devilish plot.  

Things to Do in Northedge

Northedge is the most peaceful quarter in Sharn. It does have a few taverns and temples, but if you’re looking for excitement or a wide selection of goods and services, you’ll want to go elsewhere. Even so, Northedge boasts some notable special attractions:
  • Settle down. If you’re looking for a place to live in Sharn, Lower Northedge residences are of reasonable quality and price and offer more security than Lower Dura.
  • Die in style. The elves of Shae Lias are experts in funerary customs and embalming. In addition, the high priest of the Gates of Passage is capable of raising the dead.
  • Find a patron. Many eccentric nobles make their homes in Upper Northedge. A patron of the arts could take an interest in the career of a bard or an entertainer. A collector might keep capable adventurers on retainer with the understanding that they’ll deliver any Dhakaani artifacts they come across in their travels. You never know what benefits a patron will provide; at the very least, having a patron can provide you with an introduction to high society.


Upper Northedge

Upper Northedge is the perfect place for the noble who can afford a manor in the clouds but wants to avoid the bustle of Upper Central. The districts of Crystal Bridge and Oak Towers are filled with spire-topped manors and grand estates. A host of rooftop parks and gardens provide lovely spaces to sit and reflect.   Shae Lias is arguably the most remarkable district of Upper Northedge. Its population is largely composed of elves, and it is a bastion of Aereni culture and traditions. The heart of Shae Lias is the Gates of Passage, a grand structure that is both the Aereni embassy and a temple to the Undying Court. The priests of the Undying Court don’t share this information with outsiders, but many residents believe that an actual member of the Court—an ancient undead elf possessing vast knowledge and divine power—resides in the temple.   Other points of interest in Shae Lias include the Oaks, one of the finest restaurants in Sharn, which serves food of the highest quality (and priced accordingly). The Veil of Flesh specializes in Aereni body art, in the form of both traditional tattoos and temporary illusions woven directly into the skin. The business known as Nightshade might be the most unusual watering hole in Sharn, doubling as apothecary and tavern; the house specialty is beverages tainted with weak poisons, designed to take the imbiber to the very edge of death.  

Middle Northedge

This ward caters to the middle class of Sharn, offering a wide range of comfortable housing. Dwarves make up most of the population, with the highest concentration in the district of Holdfast. In contrast to the residents of Highhold in Upper Dura, the dwarves of Holdfast have deep roots in Sharn and feel no strong connection to the Mror Holds or its traditions.   High Hope is a temple district; although the city’s most impressive churches and shrines are located in Upper Central, it’s commonly known that if you’re looking for a truly devoted priest, you should go to High Hope. The most notable feature of the district is Daca’s Watch. Twelve feet high, this pillar is thought to have once held a statue or monument. Over a century ago, a gnome named Daca climbed atop the pedastal. She has remained there ever since, and shouts advice to anyone who passes by. Although Daca doesn’t claim to be a priest, the people of the community say that she’s blessed by the god Boldrei and speaks with the Sovereign’s voice. True or not, Daca’s advice has proven to be remarkably sound, and she and her pillar have become a tourist attraction.  

Lower Northedge

Although it’s poverty-stricken, Lower Northedge is a significant step up from the slums of Lower Dura. The people of Lower Northedge don’t look for trouble, and they don’t like it coming to their doorstep. North Market is one of the largest markets in Sharn, though in contrast to the Bazaar of Dura it mostly offers simple, everyday goods.   Lower Northedge has a significant shifter population. The Rat’s Nest is a tavern that caters to shifters, and the Bear’s Rest is an inn run by a family of shifters. Tooth & Nail is an apothecary specializing in the care of fangs and claws. Particularly in the districts of North Market and Stoneyard, shifter children play hrazhak in the streets; this flamboyant sport involves making dramatic leaps and scaling walls.   The Shrine of Fathen the Martyr is an infamous spot in North Market. It is dedicated to a crusading priest of the Silver Flame who uncovered a group of wererats in the early days of Sharn. Fathen was torn apart by the wererats he had exposed, and in his honor the Church of the Silver Flame raised the shrine on this site. It’s said that any lycanthrope that enters the shrine will be forced into its true form. Pilgrims devoted to the Silver Flame come from across Khorvaire to pray at the shrine, but the local shifter population has no love for the pilgrims or the church.
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