Orcs of the Shadow Marches Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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Orcs of the Shadow Marches

The orc Gatekeepers played a crucial role in defeating the daelkyr and binding their evil in Khyber, and their descendants continue to maintain the ancient seals and fight aberrations spawned by the daelkyr’s corruption. However, many orcs succumbed to that same corruption and embraced the madness of the cults of the Dragon Below. Orcs who follow both of these paths continue to live in the Shadow Marches, and centuries of battles between them have diminished both sides.   Humans settled in the Shadow Marches long ago, and the first half-orcs helped to cement the bond between these outsiders and the native orcs. Certain Marcher clans contain humans, orcs, and half-orcs in roughly equal numbers.   When playing an orc or half-orc character from the Shadow Marches, consider what circumstances brought you into the wider world
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