Regalport Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Regalport is a large town that lies on the eastern shore of Greentarn island in the Lhazaar Principalities. It is the seat of power for the Seadragons and the capital of High Prince Ryger ir’Wynarn's principality and also the largest and most prosperous town of the Principalities.   The town is the port of call for the Seadragons and their fleet of twenty vessels. Its ruler, Ryger, who claims to have a royal Galifaran bloodline, wishes to unite the various principalities, but is currently seen as a leader among equals, even though he represented the region at Thronehold.   House Thuranni  have their headquarters in Regalport after having accepted an invitation by then High Prince Horget Black twenty-five years ago. House Thuranni's leader, Baron Elar d'Thuranni, lives in these headquarters
Owning Organization
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