Silvergate Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Silvergate provides an enormous range of goods aimed at the wealthiest citizens of Sharn. Expensive clothing, fine jewelry, exotic artwork, overpriced food, and pretentious wines are all part of the Silvergate experience. However, the district does contain a few truly luxurious inns, and a magic emporium—The Crystals of Denion—that buys and sells magic items of considerable value. Most of Denion’s goods are related to charm effects or enhancing Charisma. He also has a variety of extremely expensive magical art; while fascinating and beautiful, these have no practical value for adventurers. Items purchased in Silvergate are always of exceptional quality, but generally have a 5% markup on price. There are four different dining clubs in Silvergate, but they only accept members from wealthy families or dragonmarked houses.   The streets of the district are paved with silver stone, and gleam in the light of the everbright lanterns. Beautiful music wafts out of an expensive restaurant, and a young aristocrat examines a glamerweave cloak with a critical eye.
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