Skyway Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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A number of floating towers drift above the upper wards of Sharn, but these are dwarfed by Skyway, an entire district suspended above and between Central Plateau and Menthis Plateau. Built on an island of solidified cloud, Skyway holds the mansions of the wealthiest people in Khorvaire—nobles whose feet never touch the ground. It’s a realm of wonders, filled with the finest examples of luxury and extravagance that gold can buy and magic can produce. For instance, Cloudpool Park is formed from sculpted cloudstuff, with window panels of ice that provide a view of the city below.   Skyway is home to lavish estates. Prior to the Last War, noble families from across the Five Nations maintained mansions here. Though some of these places remain in the hands of their original owners, others were seized by the crown during the Last War and sold to wealthy citizens of Breland. The resulting influx of residents has brought more diversity to the district, with dragonmarked heirs and even wealthy criminals living alongside the nobility. The grandest estate in Skyway is Tain Manor, home of the ir’Tain family and the monthly Tain Gala (see “Holidays” earlier in this chapter).   This district offers the highest-priced services in the city. The Dragon’s Hoard is a Ghallanda resort, where travelers can enjoy the utmost in luxury if they can afford the most expensive amenities. The Celestial Vista and the Cloud Dragon are wondrous restaurants. The Azure Gateway is a new hotel and restaurant that has replaced a Ghallanda establishment. The owner has remained anonymous, and this touch of mystery has piqued interest in the place.   If you’re interested in mingling with nobles or celebrities, or if you want to pull off a heist that targets the richest people in Sharn, Skyway is the place to do that.   No bridges or lifts connect Skyway to the rest of the city, so the usual way to reach the floating district is by taking a skycoach or hiring a flying mount.
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