Sulatar Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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Long ago on the continent of Xen’drik, the first drow fought beside the giants against the other elves. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and drow and other elves remember each other only as figures in their legends. The Undying Court and the patron ancestors of the Tairnadal remember the drow, but they have little occasion to teach their living descendants about these shadows of the distant past. When the elves fled to Aerenal, the drow remained on Xen’drik as subjects of the giants, and they were caught in the collapse of giant civilization. Today they linger on Xen’drik and have set their own course, free of the giants’ malevolent influence.   Three distinct drow cultures formed after the fall of the giants. Led by powerful druids and wizards, the Sulatar cling to traditions of elemental shaping that date back to the Age of Giants. They live in a handful of obsidian cities across Xen’drik, and believe that they are destined to cleanse the world in a fiery apocalypse.
Encompassed species