Taeri Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Where Vadallia was known for her strategy, Taeri is celebrated for his sheer prowess on the battlefield. Some scholars liken him to an elf analogue of Dol Dorn, emphasizing the virtues of courage and skill. Taeri was a master of melee combat in all its forms, but he is particularly celebrated as the greatest wielder of the double scimitar who’s ever lived; most modern scimitar forms are still drawn from his teachings. Though renowned for his skill with melee weapons, Taeri is said to have never touched a bow.   While Taeri is exceptional, there are certainly other patrons who follow his mold—ancestors renowned for their courage and skill with a particular weapon, whose revenants are always seeking greater challenges to prove themselves. Quite a few of Taeri’s revenants have become patrons themselves: Daealyth was a Taeri revenant who accomplished great deeds in her battles with the Dhakaani goblins, while Haetar Taeri fought dragons and is one of the primary patrons of the Draleus Tairn.   Many modern Tairnadal stereotypes are rooted in Taeri’s legacy: he’s known for always seeking a greater challenge and refusing to take advantage of a weaker foe. On more than one occasion, he let an opponent live when they threw down their weapons and refused to fight him. While celebrated for his skill, Taeri is notably not known for his cunning; stories tell of him being outwitted by clever drow, or being the lone survivor of an ambush that Vadallia would have surely anticipated.   Taeri’s revenants could be fighters, rangers, paladins, or even monks; several legends tell of a disarmed Taeri defeating his enemies with his bare hands. However, he's celebrated first and foremost for his skill with the double scimitar and most of his revenants are skilled with that or similar martial weapon.   Anyone who could recover Taeri’s legendary double scimitar would secure a place in song and story. His chainmail was shattered and scattered, but many Taeri revenants carry a link of his armor.