Tairnadal Ethnicity in Eberron | World Anvil
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Tairnadal elves dedicate themselves to the arts of war. The greatest heroes of the Tairnadal’s many wars — against giants, dragons, and the champions of Dhakaan — live on after death, becoming the patron ancestors of the Tairnadal. Upon reaching adulthood, a Tairnadal elf forms a bond with one of these ancestors and strives to follow in the footsteps of this ancestor, living as the patron did. In this way, the champion comes to embody their ancestor, allowing the dead to live on.   The Tairnadal have three distinct lines: the Draleus Tairn, the Silaes Tairn, and the Valaes Tairn. All three lines roam the northern plains of Aerenal, having left the forest long ago, but the Valaes Tairn now reside mostly in Valenar, being the Tairnadal most often encountered in Khorvaire. Despite sharing a homeland with the Aereni, the Tairnadal have distinct religious traditions, revering their patron ancestors rather than the Undying Court.   In creating a Tairnadal character, including a Valenar elf, think about your patron ancestor. Most Tairnadal pursue the same class as their patron, so if your character is a wizard, your ancestor was likely a legendary archmage. Was your ancestor a famous blademaster, a stealthy hunter, or a war chanter? Were they chivalrous or merciless? Bold or clever? Whatever their path, it is your duty to follow their example. Is this something you proudly embrace, or do you resist it? Do you know another elf with the same patron ancestor, and what’s your relationship to that character? Do you know an elf whose patron ancestor was a bitter rival of yours?   Also consider why you are traveling with a group of player characters (who are presumably not also members of your war band) instead of serving with the Tairnadal. Do you experience visions of your patron ancestor driving you on a particular course? Are you pursuing an epic quest that mirrors your ancestor’s legendary deeds? Are you seeking vengeance for the death of a friend or ally? Or have you turned away from your people, either by choice or because of the actions of a rival?
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