The Bazaar Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Bazaar

The Bazaar of Dura, the largest commercial district in Sharn, sprawls out across a dozen towers. The towers around the edges are devoted to shops and services. Almost anything can be found in this district, though the quality of any particular item or service cannot be guaranteed. At the center of the district, the open market from which the district takes its name presents a labyrinth of shops, tents, and makeshift stalls set up in the middle of the street. A marketplace permit costs only 3 cp, though many people try to avoid even this paltry sum. However, guards who catch such shirkers usually extort far larger sums in exchange for a pass. Of the four markets of Sharn, the Bazaar has the highest concentration of criminal activity—illegal services and trades, as well as pickpockets, bullies, and con artists. These services are not as obvious as they are in Lower Dura or the Cogs, and quality and prices are not as good, but shopping here is generally safer than venturing to the lawless lower ward. The cost of illegal services should be increased by 25%. The Boromar Clan controls most of the illegal activities, but Daask has been pressing up from below, and those seeking services may be caught in the middle.   If an adventuring party displays obvious wealth— if they are spreading gold around, wearing glamerweave or impressive magic armor or clothes—they must deal with a constant stream of pleading beggars and con artists. Pickpockets pose a constant threat, and bullies try to lure shoppers into ambushes. When doing business in the Bazaar, it’s best to conceal your wealth.   The Bazaar is a good place to dispose of random acquisitions. Stolen goods aside (those requiring an actual fence), most items can be sold here for 45% of their actual value.   Almost any sort of mundane item can be found at the Bazaar, including alchemical goods. A merchant might even have a few magic items in stock, or at least items that he claims are magical. Any magic or masterwork items found in the Bazaar are certainly secondhand, and might have a dubious or intriguing history.
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