The Devourer Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Devourer

(a.k.a. Shargon)

The Devourer is the tsunami that overwhelms the tallest ship, the wildfire that consumes the grandest castle, the earthquake that levels the most glorious city. He is the vast and primordial power of nature, a force that will break any chain and wear down the strongest wall. The Devourer is the glorious cruelty that drives the predator, the cry of the hawk and the howl of the wolf. He is all that is wild, savage, and unknowable. He is the deepest ocean, a force that can be crossed but never controlled.   Those who fear the Devourer see him as an entirely destructive force. Arawai is the patron of agriculture, of peacefully harvesting nature’s bounty. Balinor is the patron of the hunt, of civilized folk using bow, spear, and skill to challenge or tame the mightiest beasts. These deities reflect the power of civilization to harness and control the natural world, but the Devourer puts the lie to this, showing that nature will never be truly tamed.   Those who embrace the Devourer celebrate the glorious power of the wilds. They revel in the raging storm and gladly embrace their predatory instincts. They accept that nature is often bloody and cruel, and don’t hesitate to follow its example. But while it may be harsh, nature is rarely evil. Priests of the Devourer often urge their parishioners to follow their instincts, or teach people to live in accord with nature instead of forcing their will upon it. They may serve as intermediaries, convincing the Devourer to redirect his wrath and spare their followers—or to turn his rage against their enemies.