The Fury Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Fury

(a.k.a. Szorawai)

The Fury is a silent whisper that can drive you to doubt or despair. She is reckless rage and all-consuming passion. Instinct is the voice of the Fury, guiding us when rational thought fails. And she is the Sovereign of revenge, promising vengeance to those willing to surrender to her. Her father the Devourer embodies the devastating power of the storm outside us; the Fury is the storm that rages within us, the wild emotions we fight to control.   Devotees of the Fury generally follow one of two paths. Revelers believe that suppressing emotion causes anguish, and that people should embrace their emotions fully and act on impulse and instinct. They hold wild, ecstatic celebrations as a way for participants to throw off the chains of civilization for a moment and experience life and emotion fully. A player character who follows this path might be a Berserker barbarian or a bard using the College of Glamour (from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)—either embracing their own primal emotion or inspiring it in others. A sorcerer might attribute their power to wild emotion; they can only access their magic when they let the Fury guide them.   The other path of the Fury is the road of revenge. People who have suffered grievously can call on the Fury to give them the will and strength to take vengeance into their own hands. Or rather than seeking revenge themselves, one tradition calls for someone who has been wronged to place a red candle in a window, inscribed with the name of their tormentor. This is an invitation for the Fury to take vengeance on their behalf. A player character following this path could be charged to investigate and fulfill these calls for revenge. While this could be the path of a cleric or paladin, it could just as easily suit an Assassin rogue, a bard of the College of Whispers, or a warlock.