The Mockery Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Mockery

(a.k.a. Dol Azur)

Dol Arrah will show you how to fight with honor, Dol Dorn will grant you courage, and when you die, at least you’ll know you did so bravely and honorably. The Mockery will drag you through mud and blood, drive you to betray your principles and employ tactics that horrify your allies and enemies alike—but at the end of the day, you’ll be standing over the corpse of your foe. Which path will you follow?   Those who despise the Dark Six condemn the Mockery as a villain, a monster who encourages cruel and treacherous behavior. This can be as simple as ambushing an enemy, using stealth instead of facing them openly. Or it can mean slaughtering innocents, torturing your foes, breaking a truce— anything to bring you victory. Those who embrace the path of the Mockery may say that such tactics are the only way to bring down a superior foe. Honor is a luxury for the strong; for those who are weak and oppressed, victory is all that truly matters.   Others who follow the Mockery assert that the very idea of honor in war is delusional. Pain, terror, and death are the inevitable results of violence; at least those who follow the Mockery acknowledge the truth others deny. The assassin who kills without warning, the barbarian who sees mercy as a weakness, the pirate who cultivates a terrifying reputation—all these might view the Mockery as an ally. While this can be a dark path for a player character to follow, a hero could use the techniques of the Mockery in pursuit of a noble cause. A grim vigilante who uses stealth and fear to terrify cowardly criminals into changing their ways could be guided by the Mockery.