The Mystic Market Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Mystic Market

The Esoteric Order of Aureon's Tower is surrounded by a host of lesser magic businesses. Most true wizards work with the Esoteric Order or the Guild of Starlight and Shadows, and the Mystic Market consists mainly of magewrights and adepts.   Businesses in the market include:  
  • The Mithral Blade, a smithy that produces steel and mithral weapons and armor
  • Wise Wood, a shop that buys and sells wands and staves
  • The Moonlit Loom, which sells magic clothing
  • The Dragon’s Hoard, which sells a wide assortment of minor wondrous items and does a brisk business in feather fall talismans;
  • Boldrei’s Tears, a potion merchant.
  • Good Spirits, a potions merchant
Market square
Parent Location