The Red Hammer Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Red Hammer

This unusual business is an inn—for warforged. Warforged do not need to eat, drink, or sleep, but they can still hunger for camaraderie. The Red Hammer is a place for warforged to gather, make new friends, and exchange stories. The Hammer is owned by two warforged, Blue (female) and Crucible (female). Blue bought the Hammer with a cache of gold she found during the Last War.   Blue and Crucible  are on good terms with Smith, and both support his views as opposed to those of the Lord of Blades. In addition to companionship, the Hammer is a source for repairs and cosmetic improvement for warforged; costs are equivalent to those of a house of healing.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location

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