Treaty of Thronehold Document in Eberron | World Anvil
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Treaty of Thronehold

The Treaty of Thronehold is the treaty, signed in former Galifaran capital city Thronehold in 996 YK, mainly between the surviving four of the Five Nations, formally ending the Last War. It divided Galifar into its constituent nations, and recognized a number of former vassals of the Five Nations as sovereign nations, including Darguun, Valenar, the Eldeen Reaches, Zilargo, the Talenta Plains, Q'barra, the Mror Holds, and the Lhazaar Principalities. Cyre and Droaam were not represented at this treaty

Document Structure


The treaty is quite lengthy, but has separate clauses for the following issues.
  • It ensures a state of peace between all signatories, and that no Thronehold nation will initiate an attack against any other signatory nation.
  • It includes the provision that while traveling within a Thronehold nation, any citizen of a Thronehold nation will have the same rights and protection under the law as a citizen of that nation.
  • It includes a number of lesser provisions banning the production or use of certain types of magical weapons and war rituals. It’s this section that bans the production of Warforged and grants freedom to all warforged, who are to be considered citizens of the Thronehold nations whose citizens originally purchased them.
  • It defines the recognized borders and dealt with variations reparations and concessions, which, for example, confirmed Thaliost as a territory of Thrane.
  • It recognizes the rights of the Dragonmarked Houses to operate within all Thronehold nations, maintaining the established principles of the Korth Edicts. This also establishes that members of Dragonmarked Houses receive the same legal protections as Thronehold citizens.