Tyrants Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Tyrants are a mysterious guild of shapeshifters. The Tyrants primarily deal in information—all aspects of information. They use their shapeshifting and telepathic abilities to acquire secrets that can be used for blackmail or sold to the highest bidder. They forge coins, identification papers, and works of art. Certain Tyrant pickpockets specialize in switching a target’s identification papers for a carefully prepared set of forged papers. They can steal a man’s identity to frame him for crimes or conversations he took no part in. Or they can help a fugitive erase his old life and assume a new identity, altering his appearance and even providing a supporting cast for his new existence. There is no question that they are both extremely useful and very dangerous to deal with.   The Tyrants have been operating in Sharn for over 300 years. While there were initial clashes between the two groups, the Boromar Clan ultimately agreed to a truce with the Tyrants; both operate in different arenas and do their best to avoid directly interfering with one another.
Illicit, Gang
Notable Members
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