Unity of Riedra Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Unity of Riedra

A mysterious empire on the continent of Sarlona that is ruled by mythical inspired.    Riedran society operates in a racial hierarchy with the Inspired rulers are at the top, enforced by the Path of Inspiration, Riedra's state religion. The Path of Inspiration teaches that work is a manner of devotion and through spending your life in hard work and service you may ascend higher up the hierarchy in the next life. Humans are seen as being in the middle of the hierarchy, while Changelings are a step above humans, with their changeable form seen as an expression of their spiritual nature. Above the changelings are the Chosen, who are just one step below the Inspired. Shifters and ogres are thought of as lesser beings just above animals in the hierarchy of the Path of Inspiration, but they too can ascend in their next life through labor or death in battle.
Geopolitical, Theocracy