Vadallia Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Queen of Swords

Vadallia was one of the finest warlords of the Age of Giants. She was a gifted equestrian and a deadly warrior, but her greatest talents were her grasp of strategy and her ability to inspire others. She united rival clans and convinced stubborn heroes to join together beneath her banner. She was driven by her passion and her love of the elven people, yet her love was tempered by a lack of compassion for any other creature except her horse.   The Tairnadal expect Vadallia revenants to be leaders, inspiring their comrades and devising clever strategies to defeat their enemies. While Vadallias are expected to be utterly devoted to their warband and their people, they are known for ruthless expediency with enemies. This can be seen in the actions of High King Shaeras Vadallia, who betrayed Cyre’s trust and seized what's now Valenar … but in so doing, brilliantly secured the land for the elves. If you play a Vadallia revenant, do you agree with Shaeras’s decision and believe Vadallia herself would’ve done the same thing? Or do you believe the High King’s actions show him to be an imperfect avatar of the Queen of Swords?   Vadallia revenants are typically martial characters. A Battle Master fighter might highlight her strategic brilliance, while an Oath of Veneration paladin (presented later in this chapter) showcases her skill with horses and in inspiring allies.   It’s said that one of Vadallia’s eyes was a diamond through which she could see glimpses of the future. Her double scimitar is also a legendary weapon, and would be a remarkable artifact for a revenant to discover. Currently Shaeras Vadallia is seen as the predominant avatar of the Queen of Swords, but someone who acquires one of these might be able to challenge the High King.