Yoren d’Ghallanda Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Yoren d’Ghallanda

Baron Yoren d'Ghallanda is the halfling patriarch of House Ghallanda. He runs the House's operations from Gatherhold in the Talenta Plains, with his reach stretching across Khorvaire. Under Yoren's leadership, the House's presence has expanded across Khorvaire, even to remote areas like the edge of the Demon Wastes. He entrusts regional councils of viceroys with control of the Hostelers Guild and Dragontail Guild and often goes on diplomatic missions to maintain the independence of Ghallanda enclaves.   He is helped in his duties as patriarch by his daughter Chervina, and is guided by her study of the Draconic Prophecy. Yoren grows more and more interested in it and gives Chervina the freedom to found new enclaves based on it, no matter how uninhabited or perilous the place.   Yoren's own enclave is a large and opulent hall attached to the Ghallanda Inn, standing at the center of Gatherhold and one of the biggest permanent structures there. There he runs the kitchen as a master chef, in addition to his duties as patriarch, dividing his time equally. His personal domain is deep inside the cliff-tunnels.   He holds tight to both the traditional nomadic culture of the Talenta halflings and to that of the so-called "civilized" halflings who have long lived among other races and nations. Yoren is said to keep the fires burning at Gatherhold so the nomadic halfling tribes will always find a warm welcome.
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