Felix d'Cannith Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Felix d'Cannith

Former Magister of Corvo Montagna, agent of House Cannith bearing a Greater Dragonmark of Making, and member of the Diamond Sentinels.   A human wizard from the Mourning-ruined city of Metrol, Cyre. He is currently, either: a member of the Lords of the Endless on another plane of existence or merely dust with his soul consumed as an unworthy hors’d'oeuvre.   Felix was a wizard compelled to discover and understand all that was unknown to the world in the hopes of creating a better future and preventing a second Mourning-like catastrophe. As a member of House Cannith, he was always driven to create and achieve excellence. His discovery of arcana was a pursuit that led him down many paths of adventure, personal knowledge and growth, including one he did not foresee with his divination focused abilities: his own death… for the second time. Hubristic though he was, his talents for the arcane have left their mark on Eberron.   Felix liked: pushing the limits of his arcane knowledge, creating accommodation and vessels, travelling with the Diamond Sentinels, and feeding his raccoon familiar, Riley, grapes.   Felix disliked: sharks, spanking, travelling without creature comforts, being rightfully roasted by his ex, and not being the smartest person in the room.
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Magister of Corvo Montagna
Date of Birth
16th March
Date of Death
6th August
976 YK 999 YK 23 years old
Circumstances of Death
Accidental Disintegration
Place of Death
The Obsidian City
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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