Klaatu Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Though imposing like any illithid, Klaatu is always quick to put people at ease.   Klaatu was the first of his colony to 'awaken,' gaining the memories of his life before he was turned into a mind flayer. With the knowledge of his former archmage self, he set about freeing other illithid from his colony. Predictably, this drew the attention of the Elder Brain at the centre. They fought each other in a brutal magical duel, with Klaatu eventually coming out on top. Unfortunately, the Elder Brain was able to curse Klaatu in its last moments, sentencing him to a lifetime of crippling pain.   After leading his brethren under the Seawall Mountains and establishing Ulthang, Klaatu took a step back from public life, preferring to lead a simple life of contemplation and study with his new wife Barada.
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