Sally Ethelhonair Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Sally Ethelhonair

With her exotic tattoos and fancy clothes, Sally seems very out of place in the slums of Dura – but everyone who’s seen her wielding the fancy knife at her waist knows she can more than hold her own in the rough and tumble underworld of Sharn.   Sally is very proud of her ‘Diamond in the Rough’ and will do anything to protect both it, and the many courtesans and entertainers she employs. While not a member of any of the main clans that control the district, Sally is well respected by the Boromar family and has an understanding with the other forces at play.   Sally might seem like an unusual name for an elf, but it’s the only one she’s ever given. Sally doesn’t like to talk about her home in Aerenal, but the streets are full of rumours about her past. Some say that she was exiled from her clan, others say that she is using the Diamond to spy on Sharn in preparation for an eventual invasion. Whatever the real reason, people soon learn better than to ask her about it, the last guy who tried still can’t walk properly.   Sally was instrumental in uncovering a Cult of Khyber that was instigating a gang war in Callestan, keeping both sides at bay by hiring an independent party of Adventurers to investigate. Unfortunately, this led to direct retaliation against her, with an enormous magical explosive used to destroy the Diamond Tavern.   After helping the party to destroy the cult, she directed them towards Summer Korranor and the Clifftop Adventurers Guild before leaving Sharn with Boris on an unknown mission. When the party met with Boris in Nok'tar, he mentioned that Sally was dealing with 'family business,' but refused to elaborate further.
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