Sim Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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As childhood friend of Melody, Sim grew up around music. Though he wasn’t nearly as talented at playing an instrument, he loved to sing along to her tunes. When Melody told him that she was going to Sharn to look for her parents, Sim quickly offered to join – partly to protect his friend and partly to get away from Valenar. When they were ambushed on the road, the last thing Sim saw before being knocked unconscious was Melody running as fast as possible in the other direction. Sim had a long time to think about that as he was slowly carted into the underground of Sharn to be sold as a slave, but while many people would have been bitter, Sim was just sad that he would never see his friend again.   One day he heard his Daask captors discussing a badass warrior named Melody that had recently been involved in the gang war in Callestan. Sim was sure that they were talking about someone else at first, but when they described Melody perfectly he knew that it had to be his friend. He later asked one of the nicer gang members for details, explaining his past relationship with Melody. Shocked, the gang member Festo immediately went to his superiors to demand Sim’s release. Unfortunately, this backfired spectacularly and Sim ended up escaping the slums with Festo and Navi as they fled their former gang.   Festo knew that Melody had left with the Diamond Sentinels as part of the Clifftop Adventurers Guild, so that’s where they started looking. There, they met up with a woman named Riki who was likewise looking for her sister. When they learned about Corvo Montagna, they resolved to all travel together to find their respective friends. Unfortunately, none of them had any money. Summer Korranar took pity on them and signed them up as an adventuring party – their first quest was to deliver some important documents to the newly established Songspire Adventurers Guild.
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Strawberry Blonde
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