Kythri Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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The plane of chaos and change, Kythri is a realm in constant flux. As the planar opposite of Daanvi, it is highly morphic. The plane is a roiling mass of land, water, air, and fire colliding in constant turmoil. Gravity shifts  

Manifest Zone

The earth in Manifest Zones to Kythri is highly changeable and unstable. Sentient creatures can focus their will to shift the ground beneath them. Turning earth to mud or stoney spikes to erupt from the ground. Formations of precariously balancing rocks will appear randomly before spontaneously collapsing and reforming. Elemental magic shifts and changes its element at random.  

Known Manifest Zones

  • Kyrrilspire in the Blackcap Mountains is within a Kythri manifest zone and therefore changes form every day.
  • Manifest Zones dot the Shadow Marches, which are patrolled by the Gatekeepers to ensure no creatures spill out of the plane.

Coterminous and Remote effects on Eberron

Kythri does not follow a set planar orbit but instead lurchers through the Astral Plane at random intervals, sometimes hurtling through space and other times slowing to a crawl.   Because of this feature, Kythri might be coterminous with the Material Plane for a day or a century and might be remote for only a few months before jumping back in touch with the Material Plane.


Kythri is in a constant state of unrest. Mountains form and collapse, or explode with plumes of lava and ash. The ground quakes, fractures, and reforms at random. Boiling seas freeze instantly before becoming slow moving ice sheets that shatter into whirlpools.   There is no discernable direction or permanent geographical features. Only by strength of will can anything be bound in place long enough to be navigable.

Fauna & Flora

  • Proteans—Beings born of chaos, taking many strange and unwieldly forms, the dominate most of the Churning Chaos
  • Titans—Immortal and Gigantic Humanoid creatures said to be the ancestors of Giants
  • Conrasu—Fragments of reality made manifest, appearing as glimmering starscapes. Those that travel to the Material Plane forge bodies of wood, steel, and stone in an artistic expression.


Popular superstition links coterminous periods with eras of unrest and war. Many scholars believe Kythri was coterminous during the first decades of The Last War, but no firm evidence backs these claims.
Alternative Name(s)
The Churning Chaos
Plane of Existence
Random   Outer Planes


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