Moonfire Summit Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Moonfire Summit

The Moonfire Summit is a gathering place and temporary settlement for the Moonfire Tribe of centaurs in the Thundering Steppes. It is a plateau situated atop one of the large plateaus of the region, offering a strategic and defensible location. The centaurs of the Moonfire Tribe come together here during certain times of the year to celebrate festivals, conduct important rituals, and engage in communal activities.  

Notable Figures

  • Wildfire—Wise Elder of the Council
  • Swiftwind—Skilled Scout and Messenger
  • Emberheart—Artisan and Craftsman
  • @night—Young Herbalist and Shaman
  • Stormer—Seasoned Warrior and Protector
  • Starweaver—Gifted Storyteller and Historian


The Moonfire Summit is home to around 200 centaurs, comprising the members of the Moonfire Tribe and their extended families. During seasonal gatherings, the population can swell significantly as centaurs from nearby tribes join in the festivities.


The Moonfire Tribe operates on a council-based leadership system. Elders, skilled in various aspects of life in the Thundering Steppes, guide the tribe's decisions and provide wisdom. The council also includes representatives from different professions and age groups to ensure a fair and inclusive decision-making process.


The natural elevation and strategic location of the Moonfire Summit offer some inherent defenses against potential threats. Additionally, the centaurs' combat prowess and familiarity with the terrain make them formidable protectors of their gathering place.

Industry & Trade

The Moonfire Tribe relies primarily on hunting, gathering, and crafting to meet their needs. They exchange goods and resources with neighboring tribes during gatherings and maintain a symbiotic relationship with the land and its creatures.


As a temporary settlement, the Moonfire Summit is relatively simple in its infrastructure. Centaurs set up semi-permanent tents and shelters made from animal hides and natural materials found in the region. The summit has a central gathering area where ceremonies and festivities take place.


The Moonfire Summit does not have distinct districts due to its temporary nature. However, specific areas may be designated for different purposes, such as communal cooking, resting, and ceremonies.


The Moonfire Tribe values their connection to nature and their ability to survive in the challenging environment of the Thundering Steppes. They are skilled hunters and trackers, possessing intimate knowledge of the land and its resources.

Guilds and Factions

While the Moonfire Tribe does not have formal guilds, they do have respected individuals who excel in specific skills, such as medicine, storytelling, and craftsmanship.


The Moonfire Summit was established approximately 150 years ago when the Moonfire Tribe migrated from the Watching Woods to the Thundering Steppes seeking new opportunities and freedom. Since then, it has become a central hub for centaur gatherings and cultural exchange.

Points of interest

The central gathering area of the Moonfire Summit is a significant point of interest, where rituals, celebrations, and important announcements take place. There are also natural springs and oases nearby, providing essential water sources during gatherings.


While not a traditional tourist destination, the Moonfire Summit welcomes travelers and scholars interested in observing centaur culture and traditions. Outsiders are typically received with curiosity and hospitality during their visit.


The architecture of the Moonfire Summit is simple and functional, reflecting the nomadic lifestyle of the centaurs. Tents and shelters are designed to be easily assembled and disassembled for mobility.


The Moonfire Summit sits atop one of the vast plateaus of the Thundering Steppes, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. It is a dry and rocky region with small oases providing critical relief.


The Thundering Steppes experience a temperate and dry climate, with frequent lightning storms and dust storms. Heavy rainfall occurs during the summer, while winters bring dust storms and frost.

Natural Resources

The Moonfire Summit is surrounded by a variety of natural resources, including food sources like grazing lands, small game, and edible plants. The region also contains various minerals and stones used in crafting and trade.
Founding Date
Camp, Temporary
Location under


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