Silvermane Summit Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Silvermane Summit

The Silvermane Summit is a gathering place for the Silvermane Tribe of centaurs, known for their expertise in healing, medicine, and spirituality. Located atop a majestic plateau in the Thundering Steppes, the summit serves as the heart of the tribe's cultural and communal activities. The centaurs of the Silvermane Tribe are deeply connected to the land and the animals that inhabit it, embodying a harmonious coexistence with nature.  

Notable Figures

  • Moonglade—Tribe Elder
  • Heatherbloom— Skilled Herbalist and Healer
  • Stargazer—Talented Seer and Spiritual Guide
  • Skydancer—Graceful Dancer and Lead Ceremonialist
  • Moonshadow—Skilled Tracker and Protector
  • Boulderhoof—Skilled Craftsman and Builder


The population of the Silvermane Tribe consists of centaurs of various ages, from the wise elders to the young foals. They are a diverse group with different skills and talents, but they all share a common dedication to healing and spirituality.


The Silvermane Tribe is led by their chieftain, Silvermane, who is revered for their wisdom and compassion. Decision-making within the tribe is often achieved through consensus, with the elders playing an essential role in guiding the community.


The Silvermane Tribe relies more on diplomacy and cooperation rather than aggressive defenses. Their deep connection with nature allows them to read the signs of the environment and anticipate potential threats, enabling them to seek refuge or evade danger when necessary.

Industry & Trade

The tribe's primary focus is on healing, spirituality, and maintaining a harmonious relationship with nature. They often trade their medicinal knowledge and services with other tribes in exchange for essential resources and goods.


The Silvermane Summit is a collection of traditional centaur dwellings, constructed using natural materials such as wood, stone, and woven grass. The buildings blend harmoniously with the surrounding landscape and are adorned with symbols and artwork representing the tribe's spiritual beliefs.


The summit does not have distinct districts but is divided into ceremonial areas, healing huts, communal spaces, and living quarters for the centaur families.


The centaurs of the Silvermane Tribe possess vast knowledge of herbalism and natural remedies, making their healing services highly sought after in the Thundering Steppes. They also have a vast network of alliances with other tribes, creating a sense of unity and support within the region.

Guilds and Factions

The Silvermane Tribe is a close-knit community without distinct guilds or factions. They work together as a unified whole, respecting each other's expertise and contributions.


The Silvermane Tribe traces its roots back to a group of centaurs who sought to harness the powers of nature for healing and spirituality. Over the years, they have honed their skills in these arts and have become revered across the Thundering Steppes for their compassionate nature.

Points of interest

  • The Healing Grove—A sacred area within the summit where medicinal herbs and plants are grown and tended to.
  • The Starlit Circle—A stone circle used for meditation and ceremonies under the night sky, honoring celestial beings and spirits.
  • The Wisdom's Lagoon—A tranquil water body believed to hold healing properties and where the centaurs conduct purification rituals.


While not a popular tourist destination due to its remote location, some travelers seek the wisdom and healing services of the Silvermane Tribe. They are welcomed with open arms and treated as honored guests.


The buildings in the Silvermane Summit blend seamlessly with nature, featuring organic shapes and materials that reflect the surrounding landscape's beauty. Wood, stone, and woven grass are the primary construction materials.


The Silvermane Summit is located atop a plateau within the Thundering Steppes, providing breathtaking views of the surrounding badlands, plateaus, and savannah. The region's two flanking rivers contribute to the area's diverse ecosystem.


The climate of the Thundering Steppes is generally temperate and dry, with frequent lightning storms and dust storms. During the summer, heavy rainfall rejuvenates the land, while the winter brings frost and dust storms.

Natural Resources

The Thundering Steppes offer sparse natural resources, making the tribe's healing and herbal knowledge essential for survival. The small oases provide water, and the hardy animals that inhabit the region offer sustenance and materials for various needs.
Founding Date
Camp, Temporary
Location under


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