Sunburst Camp Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Sunburst Camp

The Sunburst Summit is a gathering place for the fierce and proud centaur tribe known as the Sunburst Tribe. Perched atop one of the largest plateaus in the Thundering Steppes, the summit offers a commanding view of the vast and rugged landscape below. The tribe's encampment is carefully designed to make the most of the sparse resources available while providing strategic advantages in defense and communication.  

Notable Figures

  • Blazeheart—Head Council Elder
  • Stormbringer—Warrior Councillor
  • Ironhoof—Warrior Councillor
  • Moonwhisper—Elder Councillor
  • Silverstrike—Elder Councillor
  • Starweaver—Elder Councillor


The Sunburst Tribe consists of around 250 centaurs, making them one of the larger tribes in the region. Their population is a mix of warriors, hunters, artisans, and shamans, all working together to ensure the prosperity and security of the tribe.


The Sunburst Tribe follows a traditional tribal leadership structure, with Sunburst serving as the chief and leader of the clan. He is supported by a council of experienced warriors and wise elders, who provide valuable guidance and counsel.


The Sunburst Summit is fortified with natural barriers and strategic watchtowers, ensuring the tribe's protection from potential threats. The centaurs are skilled defenders, capable of repelling intruders and safeguarding their home.

Industry & Trade

While the Sunburst Tribe primarily relies on their combat prowess and hunting skills for survival, they are known for crafting intricate weapons, armor, and ceremonial artifacts. They occasionally trade with other tribes, exchanging their crafted goods for resources not readily available in the Steppes.


The Sunburst Summit is dotted with sturdy tents made from animal hides and durable fabrics, offering shelter and protection from the harsh elements. The centaurs have also carved out caves and rock shelters to store essential supplies and serve as communal gathering spaces.


The summit is divided into different sections, each dedicated to specific activities such as combat training, rituals, and communal gatherings. The tribal members live and work together in harmony, sharing responsibilities and resources.


The Sunburst Tribe prides itself on its skilled warriors and the knowledge of their esteemed shamans. They possess a strong bond with the land and the creatures that inhabit it, allowing them to navigate the challenging terrain with ease and harness the natural elements to their advantage.

Guilds and Factions

The tribe has a specialized group of warriors called the "Solar Guard," known for their exceptional combat prowess and loyalty to Sunburst. They serve as his personal guards and elite defenders.


The Sunburst Tribe traces its lineage back to the early days of the centaur migration to the Thundering Steppes. They have a rich oral history, passed down through generations, recounting tales of bravery, heroic feats, and the wisdom of their elders.

Points of interest

The central gathering area at the summit, known as the "Sun Circle," is a sacred space where important ceremonies and celebrations take place. It is adorned with intricate symbols representing the tribe's connection to the sun and its life-giving energy.


The Sunburst Summit is not a traditional tourist destination due to the harsh and remote nature of the Thundering Steppes. However, other centaur tribes occasionally visit for trade, celebrations, or diplomatic purposes.


The Sunburst Tribe's architecture is characterized by rugged and functional structures, blending harmoniously with the natural landscape. Their craftsmanship is evident in the intricate carvings and symbolic artwork adorning their tents and communal spaces.


The Sunburst Summit is situated atop one of the largest and most strategically positioned plateaus in the Thundering Steppes. Its elevated position provides an advantageous vantage point for scouting and monitoring the surrounding landscape.


The climate is generally temperate and dry, with harsh summers marked by thunderstorms and heavy rains. The winters are cold and frosty, with dust storms sweeping through the region.

Natural Resources

The Sunburst Tribe relies on the sparse vegetation, hardy animals, and occasional oases for their survival. They are adept at living off the land, and their shamans possess knowledge of medicinal plants and herbs found in the Steppes.
Founding Date
Camp, Temporary
Location under


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