Thelanis Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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Thelanis is the home of the Fey and a realm where narrative and metaphor shape the nature of reality. Its many dominions are governed by the Archfey, and the denizens of each realm reflect the nature and the story of their lord. For instance, the realm of the Prince of Frost is trapped in endless winter, and pale Eladrin lead packs of winter wolves in their hunts. It’s not the same environment as on Risia, because the prince’s realm isn’t an embodiment of the idea of cold — rather, it’s a domain frozen by its prince’s broken heart. If the prince’s story were changed, the realm would change with it.   Time and space are both malleable in the Faerie Court, and a mortal who wanders into Thelanis might never return — or might leave after a few days to discover that weeks, months, or years have passed back home.

Manifest Zones

Fey trees, imbued with magical properties, grow in Manifest Zones, along with a copse of guardian treants and awakened flora. Mushroom circles appear and serve as portals to Thelanis. Illusion magic is stronger and harder to resist.  

Known Manifest Zones

  • The western part of the Towering Woods in the Eldeen Reaches possesses a Manifest Zone, called the Twilight Demesne.
  • The Ruins of Pelmarane in the Demon Wastes is a Manifest Zone to the Winter Court.

Coterminous and Remote effects on Eberron

When Thelias is Coterminous, faerie rings and faerie mounds can be found, often accompanied by mysterious lights. The boundary between the planes is thin and passage in either direction can occur easily. The fey of Thelanis lure mortals to their native realms during this time.   When Remote, the Fey grow less populous and their power fades.   Thelanis is Coterminous and Remote for seven years every two-hundred and twenty-five years at equidistant times in its cycle.


The Faerie Court bears untamed expanses of rugged forests and crystal-clear waters, and is dottled with small settlements. Trees of enchanting beauty are surrounded by mesmerizing lights and phosphorescence gleams on plants and stones, lighting the eternal twilight of the plane.


Thelanis is dictated by the whims of the fey that inhabit it, especially the Archfey that control various regions. As such, the ecosystems are controlled by their moods, personalities, and desires. While one might be a peaceful paradise where consumption of life is unnecessary for survival, others might be a frozen wasteland where survival of the fittest reigns supreme.

Localized Phenomena

Arcane magics are enhanced and time flows differently than on Eberron. Every day in Thelanis is a week in the Material Plane; however, this time catches up to those that leave Thelanis. Stay long enough in the Courts and a mortal could die of old age upon return to Eberron.   Eladrin and Gnomes built large crystaline spires to live in, called the Feyspires.

Fauna & Flora

  • The Fey and their Archfey rulers call Thelanis their home and can be found in every nook and cranny. Each Archfey alters their Demesne to fit their personality; though it is generally split between the Winter and Summer Courts.
  • Eladrin and Gnomes are second to the Fey in population, preferring to live in and around their Feyspires.
  • Greensingers Druids travel from Eberron as part of their training.


After The Mourning the Feyspires, which would phase between Thelanis and Eberron while it was Coterminous, were stuck on Eberron and could not phase back.
Alternative Name(s)
The Faerie Court
Plane of Existence
7 years every 225 years
7 years every 225 years   Outer Planes


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