Thunderhoof Summit Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Thunderhoof Summit

The Thunderhoof Summit is a nomadic centaur settlement located in the heart of the Thundering Steppes. It serves as the primary meeting place for the Thunderhoof Tribe and other allied centaur clans during specific times of the year. The summit is situated atop one of the largest plateaus in the region, providing a vantage point to observe the vast landscape and potential threats.  

Notable Figures

  • Stormhoof—Council Elder
  • Galehoof—Scout and Pathfinder
  • Flickerfire—Firekeeper and Ritualist
  • Stonewall—Guardian and Defender
  • Meadowlark—Healer and Herbalist
  • Glimmerhoof—Artificer and Inventor


The Thunderhoof Summit is home to around 500 centaurs, comprising members of the Thunderhoof Tribe and visiting centaurs from other tribes. During the tribal gatherings, the population swells significantly, reaching up to a few thousand centaurs. The population of the Thunderhoof Summit is predominantly composed of centaurs, both young and old, skilled in various professions such as sand drake breeding, hunting, and combat. The tribe values unity and cooperation among its members, fostering a close-knit community.


The Thunderhoof Tribe is led by a council of respected elders, including Stormhoof, the wise and revered leader. Decisions are made through consensus, and each member has a voice in the tribe's governance.


Due to the nomadic nature of the tribe, the Thunderhoof Summit relies on the agility and speed of their centaur warriors and their powerful mounts to defend against threats. They are also adept at using natural terrain features to their advantage.

Industry & Trade

The primary industries of the Thunderhoof Tribe include horse breeding, hunting, and gathering resources from the Thundering Steppes. They occasionally engage in trade with other centaur tribes, exchanging goods and knowledge.


As a nomadic settlement, the Thunderhoof Summit lacks permanent infrastructure. Instead, the centaurs set up temporary tents and shelters during their gatherings. The central area of the summit serves as the meeting place, where discussions, celebrations, and ceremonies take place.


The Thunderhoof Summit doesn't have distinct districts; instead, the centaur clans arrange themselves in a semi-circle formation, with each clan occupying its section during tribal gatherings.


The Thunderhoof Tribe prides itself on its exceptional horse breeding and training skills, and their herds of strong and swift mounts are among their most valuable assets. The tribe also possesses knowledge of the Thundering Steppes' unique flora and fauna, which helps them navigate and survive in the harsh environment.

Guilds and Factions

The Thunderhoof Tribe doesn't have formal guilds or factions. Instead, they operate as a unified tribe with each member contributing their skills and expertise.


The Thunderhoof Tribe has a long and storied history of resilience and survival in the Thundering Steppes. Led by wise leaders like Stormhoof, they have weathered numerous challenges and maintained their independence in the face of outside pressures.

Points of interest

The Thunderhoof Summit itself is a significant point of interest, serving as a central meeting place and cultural hub for the centaur tribes. Other points of interest include the surrounding plateaus, oases, and the ancient ruins of the Dhakaani Empire scattered throughout the Thundering Steppes.


While not a popular tourist destination, the Thunderhoof Summit attracts visiting centaur tribes during the seasonal gatherings, creating opportunities for cultural exchange and trade.


The architecture of the Thunderhoof Summit consists mainly of temporary tents and shelters made from hides, cloth, and other materials. The centaurs are skilled in crafting these structures, allowing them to set up and dismantle their camp with ease.


The Thunderhoof Summit is situated on a vast plateau in the Thundering Steppes, offering a panoramic view of the rocky badlands and savannah. The landscape is dotted with small oases that provide essential water sources.


The climate of the Thundering Steppes is generally temperate and dry, with frequent lightning storms during certain seasons. Summer brings heavy rainfall, while winter is characterized by dust storms and frost.

Natural Resources

The Thundering Steppes is rich in hardy flora and fauna adapted to the harsh conditions. Resources include sturdy grasses, drought-resistant plants, and resilient animals that the centaurs depend on for survival. Additionally, the region's ancient ruins hold potential for archaeological discoveries and the Gorgon's Hammer's ongoing magiteck research aims to harness the steppes' unique resources for development.
Founding Date
Camp, Temporary
Location under


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