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Eberron is a magickpunk world with swords and sorcery, living automatons, and arcane-powered trains. The history of Eberron is marked by several cataclysmic and existential conflicts such as the war between fiends and dragons; the invasion of Eberron by Nightmare spirits from Dal Quor and Aberrations from Xoriat; and the annihilation of Cyre in the Mourning.   For the last century, Khorvaire, Eberron's largest continent, has been in a dispute over control of the Kingdom of Galifar after its last sovereign died and the throne was contested by his sons. The conflict was a cold war with flaring tensions and escalating magical and military weapons, ending with the aforementioned Mourning. This led to a tenuous peace called the Treaty of Thronehold and the peace has held for the last two years.

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