Cults of the Dragon Below

The Cults of the Dragon Below consist of a diverse group of fanatical sects that revere the power of the subterranean realms. Some of these cults seek to draw Khyber, the Dragon Below, up from the depths of the world, while others traffic with demons conjured from the deep regions. A few seek a promised paradise in some lost cavern far below the surface, purifying themselves with blood sacrifice to make themselves worthy to find it. Though little unites these mad cults beyond their reverence for the forbidden powers of Khyber, they are generally neutral evil, and all choose their domains from among Dragon Below, Earth, Evil, and Madness. Their favored weapon is the heavy pick.   The Cults are wildly diverse. The tenets below describe the beliefs of three different cults, and the image of the holy symbol is one common example—a piece of volcanic glass—not something shared by all cults. There are warlocks who draw power from demon overlords and daelkyr cultists who serve mind flayers and beholders. Others are simply driven by deep convictions that others see as madness. Outsiders use the term “Cult of the Dragon Below” as a blanket term to describe all of these things, but the cultists themselves don’t use this name or see themselves as part of a greater whole. New cults can spring up anywhere at any time, as a seed of madness takes root and spreads.

Tenets of Faith

The tenents below are each from a different cult of the dragon below.
  • There is a paradise within the world, a vale bathed in the light of the Inner Sun. Earn your passage with the blood of worthy foes.
  • Our existence is a chrysalis state, preparing us for transcendent immortality within the bowels of the Gibbering Mouther.
  • The Lord of Eyes sees all secrets. His gaze elevates the worthy and slays the unbeliever. Drive all doubt from your heart and you will see reality through new eyes.
  • Type
    Religious, Cult
    If your character is part of a cult, work with the DM to define your personal beliefs, along with the size and scope of your cult. Does your faith have wide support across the Shadow Marches? Or are you and your family the only people who share your particular beliefs?


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